app ux

Hylink Opinion: The launch of X – APP is a game changer for the UX journey

In a search to transform Twitter from a social media platform into an integrated super app, Elon Musk is rebranding the company under the umbrella name X APP.
As proposed by Musk, the idea of a Super-App closely resembles the Chinese app WeChat, a popular social media and messaging app developed by Tencent.
WeChat allows users to send text and voice messages, make voice and video calls, share photos and videos, play games, shop online, and make payments. It also has a social networking aspect, with features like Moments, which allows users to share photos and updates with their friends and followers.
One of the unique features of WeChat is its integration with other apps and services. For example, users can order food delivery, hail a taxi, or book a doctor’s appointment, all within the app. WeChat also has a built-in mobile payment system, WeChat Pay, which allows users to send and receive money, pay bills, and make purchases online and offline.
WeChat has created an ecosystem that, by 2020, had provided around 37 million jobs and countless other opportunities for the public. Wechat’s founder, Allen Zhang, had a saying that “Change is in Your Hands” with Wechat.  It’s about time social media apps became helpful in our daily lives.
The development of super apps marks a definitive shift in transforming social media into a productive app for our lives. Superapps can consolidate and replace multiple apps for customer or employee use, creating a circular environment within the app.
A super-app has a range of component tools or mini-apps, all of which are tailored to the user’s needs and can be removed as needed.

“By 2027, more than 50% of the global population will be daily active users of multiple super apps.” 

The power of social media relies solely on allowing us to express ourselves freely with minimal consequences. The rise of super-apps puts change in our hands as users, while a social media app puts your opinions in your hands. Superapps focus on creating a personalized user experience. They don’t improve your quality of life by providing tools that help you pay bills, pay friends, and keep track of your accounts.
Our experts at Hylink Forge can help you by expanding beyond your ambitions, and turning your UX journey into an experience compatible with Super-Apps, and building more complex user journeys.