Antonio Martinez, Capturing Creativity

In The Persistence Of Memory by Salvador Dali, the artist portrays the fluidity and volatility of time through the portrayal of melting clocks and the presence of ants, serving as symbolic representations of decay.

In high school, my mother gifted me a Canon 700D that I used to art-direct small fashion photoshoots with my friends and film YouTube videos. Like Dali’s painting, Cameras capture the volatility of time, and no two frames are the same. Everything is in constant motion and evolution. This was my first opportunity to dive into the world of creativity.

Since then, I have worked with brands, music artists, and content creators throughout the process of creation. For me, this is my primary motivation: bringing anything new into existence, whether it’s a brand, a graphic piece, or even curating a Techno DJ set, it ignites a deep sense of passion within me. It’s not just about the end result but the entire journey – the ideation, the experimentation, and the process of refining and shaping the initial concept into a tangible form. The overall process is a rollercoaster.

As a creative, there is nothing like having the time to sit down and brainstorm your ideas thoroughly. However, in this fast-paced world of advertising and entertainment that we live in, the adrenaline rush and thrill foster excitement that often results in innovative solutions. One of the projects I worked on is my favorite piece in my portfolio. It is an experimental fashion film titled Modern Day Muses. I had the pleasure of being the director of photography and camera operator. It encapsulates everything I love: fashion, architecture, photography, music and art. The crew and I were ecstatic when we discovered our film was curated as the official selection of the Canada, Sarajevo, Athens, Seattle, and Croatia international fashion film festivals.

At Hylink, my favorite piece of work has to be the Qixi Festival campaign I designed and photographed for Rene Caovilla. It was all about highlighting how hard it is to lay our emotions on paper. However, these shoes are so iconic they do the talking by themselves. 

Creativity and ideation are a process. As a creative, I would go back to my 10-year-old self and tell him not to be afraid to pursue his creative endeavors and dreams in fear of other people’s thoughts. Time on this earth is limited, and we should really go out there and do everything that brings us joy.